District Services

The BCLPRD provides the following services to residents and to the general public.

Harvesting lake weeds and picking them up from lake owners piers

*NOTE:  There are permits that allow for harvesting weeds in a specific manner.  Please see our Plant Management Plan under PRD SERVICES for specific information related to weed harvesting and MAPS.

  • Water safety patrol activities
  • Winter safety patrol activities
  • Maintenance and clean-up of the launch facilities at Gonring Drive, and
  • Maintenance and restoration of the Districts approximately 150 acres of land, which contain tree and bush plantings, two sedimentation ponds and hiking trails.

Big Cedar Lake contracts services with Badgerland/LRS for garbage pick up for all residents who live within the Lake District.  The Town of West Bend has a recycling option available to residents within the Lake District as well.  The Town of Polk has a recycling center available to residents, and residents also have the option to subscribe for recycling services.  We also have a weed cutting operation which runs during the summer months.

Garbage pick up is every Friday unless a holiday falls during that week, then the garbage will be picked up on Saturdays.



Customer Service 1-608-580-0580
Reference that you're home is in the Big Cedar Lake District or online @


The current contract with Badgerland/LRS began on June 1, 2022 and  expires May 31, 2027.  Please subscribe to updates under "Information" on our website for more information, and updates that may be posted.

Recycling Contact/Info

Big Cedar Lake PRD – Recycling Option for Residents 05162019

Microsoft Word - Town of West Bend 2021 Service Calendar Friday.docx

Big Cedar Lake harvests approximately ninety loads of weeds a year. If you are interested in receiving some of these weeds for your gardens or other use please contact us.

Contact the PRD office at (262)-629-9322